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The neighborhood already has its fair share of people on welfare This neighborhood already has its fair share of Latino's
The homeless should only be be placed in commercially zoned areas Jews should only be placed in commercially zoned areas
This neighborhood is not suitable for mentally ill people This neighborhood is just not suitable for Asian people
Permanent supportive housing for homeless people lowers property Housing for seniors lowers property values and is
values and is a drain on public services a drain on public services
Housing for people with disabilities must be separated by 500 feet Housing for Catholics must be separated by 500
We deserve to be warned when people with mental illness We deserve to be warned when gays and move onto our street lesbians move onto our street
We don't want homeless people, but we will accept seniors We don't want Muslims, but willing to accept Protestants
If homeless people are going to live here - then I want the building If black people are going to live here, then I want
to have: the building to have:
+ 12 foot walls around it + 12 foot walls around it + bars on the windows + bars on the windows
+ windows that don't open + windows that don't open
+ frosted windows so they can't look out + frosted windows so they can't look out
+ a curfew + a curfew
+ drug testing + drug testing
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